jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

Barış Manço & Kaygısızlar - Trip

Unos llegan otros se irán...

Swing high,
Swing it all around,
Swing high,
Trip that all of town,
Swing higher and higher and higher
You'll never know what it is
It's gonna wheel,
All around and,
Up and down,
Now now now now now

And guess,
What the potter -down,
And guess what all the people think,
And gallop on, gallop on, gallop on,
It's flying too far but they won't get lost,
Just round and,
Up and down,
Now now now now

Now try,
It's time to saying so long,
Now try,
Blinded while ı'm in fair,
And heltering - gelterin - skeltering down,
The magic puppet flying in A swing around,
And down and,
To the fairground
Now now now now now Triiiiiiippppp

Swing high,
It's nearly time to go,
Swing high,
Crazy about the floor,
They're dancing and dancing and dancing around,
You're at the bottom and you can't get out,
İt all belongs to you,
Now now now now

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